Sterling Manor Nursing Center Maple Shade, New Jersey
COVID-19 Response
Destiny Outreach Center is working with our local community healthcare facility like Nursing Home and hospital to get N95 masks to HealthCare workers who are on the frontline working with COVID-19 patients. A great thanks to our partner Direct Relief for their donation of N95 masks so that we can reach out to those who really needs the N95 mask the most. The following facility has received N95 to give to their healthcare workers:​
AristaCare Healthcare Services Cherry Hill, New Jersey
Barclays Rehabilitation and HealthCare Center Cherry Hill, New Jersey
Riverview Estates Assisted Living Nursing Home Riverton, New Jersey
Bethel-Hosanna AME Church Pennsauken, New Jersey
The Rising Community Fellowship and Outreach Center Morrestown , New Jersey
In Haiti, Destiny Outreach Center was not able to send masks to Haiti but we had 600 plus fabric masks made locally in Haiti to be distributed in Lacul Leogane. Myriam Orneus had an formation/prevention session with the Lacul community to better equipped them on how to practice frequent hand watching and when to seek medical attention with early signs of Coivd-19 signs/symptoms..